about advanced robotics group


Advanced Robotics Group is a small, elite team that has been toiling away together for a few years to create excellent solutions. We apply decades of experience across a broad range of robotics disciplines to our solutions. Our skills have been honed by involvement with defense contractors, NASA, military special forces, academia, and the private industry, and we support groups like the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). We’re executing across a portfolio of robots, with generations of refinements on the horizon to complete. We are passionate about robotics, thrive on fostering invention, and are proud knowing our solutions will result in a better world. We don’t say this to brag – but we are seriously good at what we do.


Advanced Robotics Group lives and breathes robotics, and we believe strongly in the power of collaboration to improve robotic solutions. We don’t have time for red tape or egos – we have almost no bureaucracy and want to keep it that way. We believe in using current best-in-class approaches and components so we can get it right. We are happiest when creating solutions, and we relish the opportunity to own a project and its results. We believe in working smart and constantly innovating forward to create new robotics solutions.


Advanced Robotics Group solves problems through robotics that conventional wisdom believed (and still believes) could not be solved, and are on track to solve more. We are defining the cutting edge – refining and developing a portfolio of non-consumer robots that will execute a mix of tasks with fully autonomous operations in select, exceptionally demanding environments. By extending and connecting open sourced technologies with our own proprietary approaches, precision fabrication, and advanced materials, we enable new capabilities. We use simulation and full-scale physical testing to accelerate development, enhance robustness, and achieve high-quality, real-world development feedback. We are impacting both safety and the environment.

do you have what it takes?